Thursday, May 14, 2009

I thought I might post an update here on the blog (rather than just facebook) about the Fifth disease episode in our family... Cam and Macy are certainly doing a lot better now, although Cam's arms and legs still look pretty nasty. I notice her scratching here and there, but no complaining, and no other symptoms. Interestingly, I received a notice from the school from Kinley's class saying that Kinley had been exposed to Fifth, so it must be going around.
I had an ultrasound on Monday, and that showed that everything is normal and there are no signs of hydrops. I got a phone call yesterday from the resource nurse (Barbara rocks!) and she notified me that they had done the wrong test on my blood. (Incidentally, I am not immune to hand/foot/mouth disease) They still have enough blood to run the other test (for Fifth), and she thought she might have the results for me by Friday. That's all for now, folks! Dax is moving around well and it does seem like we are out of danger. We'll see what the blood test says, and take it from there! We are resting in the confidence that God is in control and loves us!


Happy Hollie said...

God is in control and loves you. I love you too. Keep me posted.

Michelle said...

I am so sorry you have had to deal with this! Praise the Lord that Dax is healthy and happy :) Any news on your blood test results today?