Friday, May 22, 2009

Let's Go Mets!!

Kurt and Reilly enjoyed a Mets game the other night (well sort-of enjoyed...the Mets lost :( ) They ate Dodger Dogs, Nachos, and hung out with some of our favorite people, Andrew Gutierrez (a true blue Mets fan himself) and Mr. Hohn. Kurt and Reilly bumped into John Voight while mustarding their hot dogs and enjoyed a brief conversation. Mr. Voight was very engaging and friendly! A great night was had by all!

1 comment:

Julie Gebhards said...

Kurt's comment:

I love and thank God for Andrew and Hohn!

But more than that, Wednesday night was the stuff of Dad dreams. My wonderful, sweet son is my best buddy. I pray for him to continue to develop into a man that follows hard after Christ.

As per Sinclair Ferguson's parenting advice I am "wrapping more than cord of love around my son's heart."