Monday, February 16, 2009


So we were on our way to church Sunday morning, when Camdyn pipes up from the seat behind me, only I couldn't understand what she was asking.
"Mom, were you mean?" That's what I thought I heard her say first.
"What honey?" I tried turning around to see her so I could tell what she was asking, but I missed it again. I then thought she was asking,
"Mom, were you meat?" I was confused at this point, but finally got turned around completely so I could see her little mouth move.
"One more time, Camdyn?"
"Mom, were you weaned?!?!" Oh my. I sure wasn't expecting that! Where did that come from?
"Yes, Cam. I am thankful that I am no longer nursing," was my answer. I suppose I should be thankful for the faithful Sunday School teachers and their ability to leave a lasting impression with their lessons. Cam informed me that she learned about "weaning" at her class (church) last week, and apparently was meditating on what she learned while on the way to church...


Happy Hollie said...

LOL....i loved it! :)

Anonymous said...

Thats tooo funny! If you were my sister's daughter, you just may be still nursing. She loves it, actually, I think she worships it. She has been nursing for a total of 11 years straight without drying up. She just "weaned" her 5 year old and is still at it with her 2 1/2 year old. Too much for me but hey, to each her own.

Cherie Baker Vann said...


Crystal said...

Very cute!

Do you have a good cinnamon bun/sticky bun recipe? Of the few I've tried, I bombed - any tips?
I know that is not helpful right now is it? ha ha. I have been looking for a good recipe for a while, and I am not a very gifted baker . . . so I thought I would ask :)
Loved your updates :)