Friday, June 6, 2008

I love my kids

So today was one of those days that Kurt had to be gone all day and all evening, and won't return until sometime after midnight. I'll be long gone in dream-land. Anyway, I was on my own. No problem. We really did have a great day, aside from Kinley's profuse begging to buy every toy at Target, Camdyn's refusal to chew her vitamin which resulted in orange stains on her white pants after gagging it up, Reilly breaking every backyard rule (kicking balls over sisters heads into play-house, turning on the hose and squirting the house, etc.), Macy diaperless in the kitchen for all of 3 minutes, and yep, you guessed it, #1 and #2....... so anyway, we really (seriously) had quite a nice day. Tonight, however, after I put Macy to bed, the four younger kids went NUTS. I had a nice evening of family games in store for them, but it went from nice to CRAZY in no time at all. And no, mom, I didn't feed them chocolate or any sugar after 6:00p.m.. So we got out Uno Attack, and played a round. Then it was time to put Cam to bed. This is when things got out of hand. I left for a minute or two, and when I was upstairs, I heard little screams, louder screams, lots of giggling- or laughing loudly, and other noises I won't attempt to describe. They were having lots of fun, but making way too much noise for Cam to be able to settle down. When I came back down, they were still playing the game, but whenever one had to push the button, there were loud screeches if too many cards came out, and loud cheers from the others. They had set up blockades on the table and arranged their cards behind them, and were trying to see each others cards. Kinley was crawling under the table trying to poke her head up and see Reilly's cards. Reilly was fiercely and screechily defending. Cam came down out of bed for some strange reason...(it had nothing to do with the noise, I'm sure).

"Okay, settle down kids. You are keeping Cam awake." (no change in noise level, no response to mom)
"Did you all hear me? EXCUSE ME! I said something, and you all need to respond!"
"Yes mom!" came the reply in unison. (still no change in noise level)

Anyway, this continued for a while, and Cam came down at least 3 or 4 more times before I could settle her down. I finally moved her into a makeshift bed on the floor in our room, and could hear the kids screeching and screaming downstairs even through the noise of two fans, which was beginning to irritate me... When I returned downstairs, they were all up and the girls appeared to be doing some sort of karate moves on Reilly. I stopped them, had them help clean up, and sent them off to bed (it was already late). What happened to my family game night???


Amrena Skye said...

Wow - reading that makes me exhausted, and my first child isn't even here yet. You are an admirable woman, Julie!

Hohn C said...

You are a fantastic photographer! Those are great pictures!

Amber said...

How can you not love your kids....they are adorable looking kids! I always thought you were a great photographer.